
Portable Air Cooler for All Dogs

The summer months can get quite rough with the sweltering, piercing sun shining down. This is when we are out in our paddle pools, making ice cold lemonade and investing in portable air coolers to beat the heat. However, we shouldn’t forget about our little furry companions who suffer from the hotter days as much as we do.

Transcool has the perfect pet cool air conditioner for all pet owners. Compact and portable, our doghouse air conditioner is the right fit for all American homes. Let your pet enjoy the outdoors without getting dehydrated and tired from the heat. Order one from us today!

<h2″>Give Your Furry Friend A Summer Treat with Our Pet Cool Air Conditioner

Our doghouse air conditioner was designed specifically to suit the American climate and be a perfect fit for your pets. Our portable air cooler for dogs:

  • Have the coolest air delivery
  • Is designed and constructed in Australia
  • Is compact and light
  • Can be used stationery or mobile
  • Is environmentally friendly
  • Is energy efficient-low power draw

Whether you need it for your car while driving your pet around or just to use in the doghouse — our portable air cooler for dogs is the perfect fit.

<h2″>Australia’s Top Choice for a Doghouse Air Conditioner

If you have any uncertainties about our pet cool air conditioner, our expert team can help identify the solution that’s right for you. For more information on how Transcool can help you with portable air coolers for dogs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can deliver world-wide and we go above and beyond to ensure that you get value out of our product. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly staff by calling +61 418 510 862 or by sending an online enquiry form. If not, order your pet cool air conditioner online today!